Sunday, November 30, 2014

I'm just a normal guy. I'm not the fastest guy, I'm not the strongest guy, but I work my butt off and I become something special. —Gilbert Melendez

“I'm always adapting, I'm always learning, and I'm always changing.” — Anthony Pettis


I'm always adapting, I'm always learning, and I'm always changing.
—  Anthony Pettis

Practice confidence when there is doubt. Be brave when fear seeps into your soul. These are when these attributes are needed most.

Practice confidence when there is doubt. Be brave when fear seeps into your soul. These are when these attributes are needed most.

I'm not scared to lose, I'm not scared to get knocked out...I'm scared of going out there and not trying my best and not going for it. —Gilbert Melendez

I'm not scared to lose, I'm not scared to get knocked out...I'm scared of going out there and not trying my best and not going for it. 
—Gilbert Melendez

Who trains the hardest wins the fight. —LaVerne Clark

Who trains the hardest wins the fight.
—LaVerne Clark

Liz Eldridge on discovering humanity through acting

Acting is a process of discovering humanity, of living the experiences of others as your own.  And what better way to see the humanity in everyone than to imagine, honestly and without judgment, what it might be like to be someone else?
—Liz Eldridge

Saturday, November 29, 2014

5 ways of dealing with performance anxiety
Whether you are doing a speech, competing in a fight or any other sport, or something where there is performance on the line, anxiety naturally arises. Here are 5 ways to deal with it.
1) Realize it's natural
You are not special. Everyone gets nerves and anxiety before performances. Everyone deals with the same emotions of nervousness. It can be helpful to realize that it is all natural.
2) Nerves will keep you sharp
Embrace the nerves and take the attitude that they will keep you sharp. They will keep you on point and make sure that you act and react with the pinpoint accuracy and lead to success.
3) Put things in perspective
If the worst thing in your life is that you lose in a sport or mess up a speech, you are sitting very pretty. You can make peace with the worst outcome by realizing that if the worst thing happens, you will be okay! Realizing that the source of your anxiety is stemming from something you can handle brings about a certain peace of mind which lies deeper than the nerves.
4) A bruised ego is not painful
The likelihood is that the worst injury you sustain in your endeavor will be a bruised ego. And while it does not feel pleasant, a deeper understanding will make you realize that the ego isn't real to begin with, so you are actually worry about an unreal entity being hurt. It's like being overly protective and anxious over the health of Santa Claus.
5) Mentally prepare yourself to recover
If you mentally prepare yourself for worst case scenarios, have a game plan, and visualize yourself recovering and thriving after potential setbacks, you will walk in with a sense of calm. If you have prepared to flow from worst case scenarios and segue into where you need to go from there, if that should happen, you will be totally prepared to deal with what needs to be done. And you can also mentally prepare to feel nerves and anxiety before or during performance and still use those nerves as a segue into performing well. You can take into account the potential of being very anxious and visualize yourself thriving after the nerves. All of a sudden the nerves becoming a springboard to success.

Benedict Ang on lessons from fighting

I've learn two things about life from fighting:
Only in the cage can I truly express myself for the world to see, and I'm a Super Saiyan homie!
—Benedict Ang

Through adversity we find our better self. —Michelle Waterson

A photo posted by *Michelle Waterson* (@karatehottiemma) on

Through adversity we find our better self.
—Michelle Waterson

Maureen Shea on life lesson from boxing

"I have had my most vulnerable moments in life through boxing. I have been tested time and time again in and out of the ring, daily.   I have now learned to trust myself and embrace vulnerability by surrendering to it and allowing faith to intervene between me and it, in all aspects of my life. "
—Maureen Shea

I'm looking for all ways that the human body can move...I'm not even a mixed martial artist, I feel like I'm a master of movement. —Conor McGregor


I'm looking for all ways that the human body can move...I'm not even a mixed martial artist, I feel like I'm a master of movement.
—Conor McGregor

"I have visualised my imagination so clearly and so consistently that it has manifested itself into my reality." —Conor McGregor

"I have visualised my imagination so clearly and so consistently that it has manifested itself into my reality."
—Conor McGregor

"Win. Win smoothly and safely." —Conor McGregor


"Win. Win smoothly and safely."
—Conor McGregor

"You are either the best. Or you are the worst. There is no in between." —Conor McGregor

"You are either the best. Or you are the worst. There is no in between."
—Conor McGregor

Heart and mind overcome all. -Hendo

Joe Rogan: Happiness is based on the way you make others feel

Conor McGregor quote on improvising, adapting, and overcoming

Friday, November 28, 2014

Quote on positive thinking being habitual

Love and passion are the most important things in this world. It's the most sustainable motivating factor. —Zak Maxwell

Love and passion are the most important things in this world. It's the most sustainable motivating factor.
—Zak Maxwell

Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death. -Miyamoto Musashi

Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.
—Miyamoto Musashi

Even the best of the best get knocked out...Things are going to happen like that in your life and you can't give up. -Ashlee Evans-Smith

Even the best of the best get knocked out...Things are going to happen like that in your life and you can't give up.
-Ashlee Evans-Smith

Bruce Lee: There are no limits

I learned that emotions are more honest than words. —Anthony Sneed

I learned that emotions are more honest than words.
Anthony Sneed on a life lesson from acting

Thursday, November 27, 2014

You are the calm. You are the deep and vast ocean and can't be impacted by the waves.

When there is chaos around you, and thoughts of chaos and pain enter into your mind and you feel them deeply, that is fine. You are the watcher of these feelings and mental formations.

You are the calm. You are the deep and vast ocean and can't be impacted by the waves.

You have to stay focused out there and you can't get caught up in your emotions. —Joanne Calderwood

You have to stay focused out there and you can't get caught up in your emotions.
—Joanne Calderwood

I have learned a lot from fighting.It has taught my to always work harder then my opponent, then leave the rest in God's hands. —Andrew Singh Kooner

I have learned a lot from fighting.It has taught my to always work harder then my opponent, then leave the rest in God's hands.
—Andrew Singh Kooner

Movement is meditation. Move to win. ―Conor McGregor

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Regardless of your competition or your circumstances, ask yourself only to do your best, as that is all you can do. ―Dr. Jim Afremow, The Champion's Mind

Regardless of your competition or your circumstances, ask yourself only to do your best, as that is all you can do.
―Dr. Jim Afremow, The Champion's Mind

This is my day, this is my purpose, I'm not afraid to win. -Kayla Harrison

Jon Durrant on lessons from fighting

Win, lose or draw, the biggest attribute of fighting is the brutally honest feedback it gives to you about oneself. The ones that choose to acknowledge that feedback will grow in all areas of their life.
—Jon Durrant


“When your opponent is hurrying recklessly, you must act contrarily and keep calm. You must not be influenced by the opponent.”― Miyamoto Musashi

I'm not scared at all...I'm nervous, I definitely have nerves, I'm not going to lie about that. The anticipation of it. I think its natural, your body just knows what it's about to go do. But I'm not going to fear what I'm about to do, I'm going to take it head on and I'm going to conquer it. —Rory MacDonald

I'm not scared at all...I'm nervous, I definitely have nerves, I'm not going to lie about that. The anticipation of it. I think its natural, your body just knows what it's about to go do. But I'm not going to fear what I'm about to do, I'm going to take it head on and I'm going to conquer it.
—Rory MacDonald

Be you. And I think people will recognize what you're good at; recognize the special things about yourself. Just be you, and be you to the fullest. —Rory MacDonald

Be you. And I think people will recognize what you're good at; recognize the special things about yourself. Just be you, and be you to the fullest.
—Rory MacDonald

You can't let fear into your life or else it's just going to take over. —Rory MacDonald

You can't let fear into your life or else it's just going to take over.
—Rory MacDonald

I follow my instincts and my excitement. —Rory MacDonald

I follow my instincts and my excitement.
—Rory MacDonald

Neil "Beast Mode" Von Flatern on the mental side of fighting

"Probably the most important thing I've learned is that the battle doesn't happen in the ring. The physical part of fighting is easy. Anybody can show up, put in the work and get good. The hard part is the mental side of it.
You only fight somebody else for at most 25 minutes, once every few months, but you fight yourself every step of the way.
I think life works the same way. We get in our own way a lot of the time."

—Neil "Beast Mode" Von Flatern

Leah Letson on lessons from fighting

Fighting has taught me that the only person who can beat me is me and that success isn't about how many times you win, it's about how many times you fail and keep persevering.
—Leah Letson

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No loss. Just victory earned, or wisdom gained.

No loss. Just victory earned, or wisdom gained.

If you are the best, you must go that extra mile. —Conor McGregor

If you are the best, you must go that extra mile. —Conor McGregor

When you're really tested, that's what shows you who you are as a person. —Rich Franklin

When you're really tested, that's what shows you who you are as a person. 
—Rich Franklin

"The path of a martial artist is a lifelong journey. Strengthening your body, soul and mind unceasingly leads to the creation and perfection of the art." —Brandon Gibson

"The path of a martial artist is a lifelong journey. Strengthening your body, soul and mind unceasingly leads to the creation and perfection of the art." 
—Brandon Gibson

Everybody has something to offer you, no matter what their station is in life or what their bank account is. —Jonathan Tucker

Jonathan Tucker plays Jay Kulina on the MMA series Kingdom on DirecTV.

Everything has something of value. Everybody has a story. Everybody has something to offer you, no matter what their station is in life or what their bank account is. When you see the world with an actor's eye, you realize that the reward for the work is the work.
—Jonathan Tucker

"Much more than being a fighter on the mats, Jiu-Jitsu taught and keeps on teaching everyday how to be a fighter in life." —Yuri Simoes

"Much more than being a fighter on the mats, Jiu-Jitsu taught and keeps on teaching everyday how to be a fighter in life."
—Yuri Simoes

"Don't believe the hype. And only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear." —Nik Fekete

"Don't believe the hype. And only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear."
—Nik Fekete

I try to make adventures out of things...I believe we only exist to have good stories. —Penn Jillette

I try to make adventures out of things...I believe we only exist to have good stories.
—Penn Jillette

Face adversity head on in your training and you will conquer it smoothly in your fight. —Conor McGregor
Face adversity head on in your training and you will conquer it smoothly in your fight. 
—Conor McGregor 

I have never encountered a winner that held hate towards something. —Conor McGregor

I have never encountered a winner that held hate towards something.
—Conor McGregor 

Mark Holst on MMA lifestyle and it being a team sport
The lifestyle of MMA fighters is fun and very fulfilling. It IS a team sport. Without the training partners, your coaches and your family/friends supporting the fighter, it is difficult to make it. Unfortunately people don't always see all the teamwork that takes place. nobody can make it alone.
—Mark Holst

Quotes by Renan "Reaper" Ruiz

Quotes by Renan "Reaper" Ruiz

"If you can learn how to get through a training camp and through a tough fight you can get through life or anything in the world."
—Renan Ruiz

"I'm easy to beat...kill me and you win."
—Renan Ruiz

'The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.' —Vince Lombardi


"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."
- Albert Einstein

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