Friday, March 7, 2014

Q&A with Ron Keslar

What are some of the lessons you've learned through MMA? 

Through MMA, I learned how to take risks and persevere. Being an athlete in this sport is not easy. I left my hometown and everything behind with a small amount of cash and a duffel bag of clothes, basically with nothing in order to pursue this sport. Leaving my “comfort zone” was hard, but I knew that I had to take this risk in order to achieve my goals. It’s been a rough journey and without perseverance, I would not be where I am now and where I will be. 

What motivates you to compete in MMA? 

The sport of MMA is a very much an individual sport. Once the cage is closed, there will be you and your opponent. Yes, during fight camp, I have my teammates to train with, but in the end, I decide how far I can go. I am self-motivated. I motivate myself to strive for and be the best that I can. As a high level athlete in MMA, I need to be self-motivated in order to compete at the highest level. Nothing and no one will be able to motivate me as much as myself in order for me achieve the goals I set out. 

Who and what inspires you? 

My daughter inspires me everyday. Everything I do is to provide for her, to better her life. She keeps me going on a daily basis and reminds me of why I am doing what I am doing. Also, the feeling of getting my hand raised at the end of a fight inspires me to push my limits to get to that point. 

Any motivational/inspirational message you'd like to share with our readers? 

Nothing in life comes easy. If you find yourself loving and enjoying something, go pursue it, even if you know it will be a bumpy ride ahead. You will make sacrifices, make right and wrong decisions along the way, but in the end it will all be worth it once you achieve what you want to achieve. At that time, you will appreciate your journey and everything and everyone who helped you to that point a lot more. On the other hand, if you don’t pursue it, you’ll regret later on for not trying.

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