What are some of the main lessons you have learned through mixed martial arts?
One of the main lessons I have learned through MMA is that if you want to be good at something it requires a lot of hard work and sacrifice. If you work hard and make sacrifices then you can be successful in whatever you want to do.
What motivates you to compete in mixed martial arts?

I love the sport, I love to fight, I love to entertain the crowd and I love to show people what I have worked so hard to achieve.
What and who inspires you?
It inspires me seeing people get through hardships and become successful. Like this video a saw of a little puppy that had this disorder where his legs splayed out to the side and he tried to walk but he couldn't do anything except fall flat on his face then some people trained him and strengthened his legs and he keeps trying and eventually he learns to walk, run, and play. He becomes a happy doggy. That sort of thing.
What's a quote that inspires you?
The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held it's ground.
We feature inspirational quotes from fighters on our site; any motivational or inspirational message you'd like to share with our readers?
Be happy in life and when you want something go and earn it.